IsMyLcdOK 5

IsMyLcdOK 5.45 Terbaru Gratis 2023

IsMyLcdOK 5.45 Terbaru Gratis 2023

IsMyLcdOK 5.45 merupakan software kecil namun cukup efektif yang berguna untuk mendeteksi atau mengecek dead/paralysed/stuck pixels pada LCD monitors.

IsMyLcdOK 5

Anda tidak perlu menginstall software IsMyLcdOK ini, cukup jalankan baik langsung di hardisk komputer ataupun di simpan di flashdisk karena sifatnya portable. Also like Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise SP3 Update Maret 2023

IsMyLcdOK screenshot and download at

# Employment!
Operating systems: Windows 10, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Vista Enterprise 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP Home and Pro, X64 and x32 all Windows, Windows Server 2000-2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows 98.
# Pixel Tester with different colors and gradients:

[1] = White Test
[2] = Black Test
[3] = Red Test
[4] = Green Test
[5] = Blue Test
[6] = Cyan Test
[7] = Purple Test
[8] = Yellow Test
[9] = Gradient horizontally
[0] = Vertical gradient
[F7] or [V] = Vertical lines
[F8] or [H] = Horizontal lines

# Small graphics stress test:

[F2] = BitBlt MB/sec. Test
[F3] = Paint Rectangles
[F4] = Paint Lines
[F5] = Endurance test

# Versions History
New in version 2.91 // November 8th, 2017
1. Small adjustments and some improvements in IsMyLcdOK.
2. Updating of the language files.

Size: 30 Kb | versi 32 bit
=> IsMyLcdOK 5.45 Terbaru Gratis | direclink official

Size: 30 Kb | versi 64 bit
=> IsMyLcdOK 5.45 Terbaru Gratis | direclink official

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